Thursday, August 24, 2006


(This writing assignment at the August meeting was to study a Norman Rockwell painting called "Big Date" painted in 1949 which features two young people dressing, a young woman and a young man. They were presented in separate scenes and we were to imagine that they were going on a 'date' and we had to write about their thoughts on the upcoming date e.g. a piece where he's thinking .... and then a piece about what she's thinking.)


Sit down, hair. Blow, drat, damn – why is it always like this – couldn’t find my blue shirt – hope she likes this red one. She had a red dress on the other day. Boy, oh boy! Did she look nice! Gosh, my shoes are hurting. And I have to dance. God, I hope I don’t stand on her toes.
Hope I can remember how to – what is it? One, two, together, back, side, something, something. God, that Barry can dance, and she’s been out with him. I’ll be a real dud! Why, oh why, did I ask her? Gee, better hurry, I said 7.00 and its ten to now – should give me time to there in the old jalopy.


Gosh, curl up, hair, why can’t you? Golly gosh, I hope Mum ironed my dress. At least she likes him. Better than Barry. My God, he stood all over my feet at that last dance. I hope these stockings don’t get stood on and ruined – gee, I must check my seams. I just can’t wait for Tommy to call. Hes so gorgeous, so dreamy, and his car, his lovely red car – what a beauty.
How long till he come? Hes coming at 7.00 he said – what is it now? 4.30! Only two and a half hours to finish getting ready. I’ll never make it. Hair, curl, curl, please.

Nelma Ward ©


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